Contact us


HERKA Frottier – Vielfalt, die wir weben.

Über uns

You can reach us: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00

Herka GmbH
Office & production: Herkaweg 1
Factory outlet: 3851 KAUTZEN, Bachzeile 12 and 3950 GMÜND, Weitraer Straße 115
A-3851 Kautzen
Österreich (Austria)


Further information can also be found at

Guided tours

We would be delighted to welcome you as a group/family/coach group for a guided tour during ongoing operations and your purchase in our factory store. In our showroom you can weave for yourself and learn a lot about the history of weaving. Ideal for children and anyone interested in textiles. Dogs are welcome.
Guided tours free of charge.
Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm. Fabriksshop Bachzeile 12, 3851 Kautzen, Austria.

Registration at: